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Evolution of 3D mapping solutions


3D mapping historically has been challenging to implement. It used to require heavy, cumbersome cameras, long upload times and a lot of manual organization on the backend to create a beneficial 3D map. This has changed dramatically in recent years, which has further reduced the time and difficulty of building digital twins, explains Naresh Parshotam, Head, Beamo.

Naresh Parshotam, Head, Beamo
How can the Digital Twin technology help in modernizing the surveyor industry?
Surveyors need to carefully prepare and maintain sketches and maps of their sites, keeping track of a variety of characteristics like shape, contour, and elevation. However, many surveyors use outdated equipment that makes the surveying process long, costly, and subject to human error. Digital Twin platforms enable surveyors to easily scan their project site and immediately collaborate with their teams in the field without lengthy delays or cumbersome equipment. The Digital Twin created in the platform provides a single and secure source of truth for teams without requiring highly technical knowledge. With a simple 360-degree camera, surveyor teams can create detailed digital environments in minutes that remote teams can use to track progress, take accurate measurements without ever having to physically visit the site, and collaborate with co-workers within the space itself.

How has 3D mapping evolved in recent years, and what are the challenges associated with it?
3D mapping historically has been challenging to implement. It used to require heavy, cumbersome cameras, long upload times and a lot of manual organization on the backend to create a beneficial 3D map. This has changed dramatically in recent years, where we have moved from large, heavy equipment and manual image processing and stitching to lightweight 360-degree cameras and camera phones, supported by software that speed up processing and stitching. This evolution with 3D mapping solutions like Beamo have reduced the time and difficulty of building digital twins substantially, opening the technology up to new use cases and industries

Can you tell us a little about Beamo, and what is its unique value proposition?
Beamo is an enterprise-grade Digital Twin solution for mission critical facilities and sites. The platform makes it easy to quickly create and use a highly accurate Digital Twin to manage any type of space completely virtually. Beamo also serves as a collaboration tool, allowing teams to conduct measurements, have conversations, and preserve institutional knowledge within the digital space — allowing the final product to serve as a single, definitive source of truth for any site.

What kind of response has Beamo received so far, and how is it different from other 3D mapping platforms in the market?
Customers have had very positive feedback so far. Our solution is the fastest and most convenient on the market, as we are able to capture 3,000 square meters an hour and are also able to process those captures in minutes or hours, not days, to create 3D digital twins. That speed plus the level of secure collaboration we provide — such as being able to embed technical details, product manuals and institutional knowledge — is what sets us apart.

What are the sectors you are looking to target with this new platform?
Because of its ease-of-use compared to many similar solutions, Beamo is a great fit for many industries. We are already working with clients across disciplines from telecommunications, facility management, oil and gas, metals and minerals and even aviation.

2021년 6월 30일 오후 3:00:00

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